Ombudsman Office

One of the key roles of the Ombudsman Office is to make sure that KMG’s practices are fair and that the interests of all the Company employees are observed, through early prevention, dispute settlement and conflict resolution, and escalating systemic issues requiring action to relevant bodies and officers, as well as initiating proposals to stabilise conflict situations. KMG’s Code of Business Ethics clearly states the principles stipulating that KMG employees and officers shall not tolerate discrimination against anyone on the basis of race, religion, nationality, gender, political or other affiliation, social origin, material position, job, language or other circumstances, as well as the granting of any privileges to individual employees based on the above characteristics. KMG Ombudsman’s activities are guided by Kazakhstan’s laws and KMG’s internal documents. When preparing the Ombudsman’s annual report to the Board of Directors, KMG’s Ombudsman Office makes suggestions for addressing systemic issues. The Ombudsman’s objectives are:

  • collecting and analysing information on the local social environment, developing systemic prevention and response measures to eliminate social tensions;
  • assessing the development of situation in the regions of KMG’s operation and developing specific solutions for and recommendations on issues based on the results of the assessment.

After their appointment in July 2022, KMG’s Ombudsman met with the management, heads of departments and representatives of trade unions of KMG subsidiaries and associates – Ozenmunaigas, Karazhanbasmunai, Kazakhoil Aktobe in order to learn about the requirements of the Code of Business Ethics, their own functions and objectives.

In accordance with the Regulations on the Ombudsman Office approved by a resolution of KMG’s Board of Directors of 19 September 2019, the Ombudsman Office organised work on reviewing, registering reports, including via the Hotline. In 2022, the Ombudsman reviewed five reports.

The Ombudsman / Ombudsman Office provided consultations and recommendations on oral reports (by phone, at personal meetings). Action was taken by the Office in response to the reports received to settle the issues, including to restore the violated rights and lawful interests. In addition, social tensions and unrest at Karazhanbasmunai and KMG-Kumkol were prevented.

The main reasons for reporting to the Ombudsman Office are:

  • violation of the standards of KMG’s Code of Business Ethics;
  • discrimination and rude treatment of subordinates by the management.

In 2022, KMG received 226 reports via the Hotline of the Nysana call centre. KMG’s Ombudsman Office monitors their timely review by relevant units.