Priority areas of our social policy

Training and professional development programmes
The main objective of the Company’s personnel development programmes is to ensure the progressive success of KMG by promoting employee efficiency improvements based on the knowledge, skills and competencies that fully meet corporate needs and contribute to the Company’s strategic goals.
Leadership Training Programme
The Company is proceeding with its MANSAP project to develop the Succession Plan for Key Positions within KMG Group.
Jointly with the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO we implemented the Leadership Training Programme, a succession development plan for A pool positions. Pool contenders successfully completed the programme modules focusing on strategy implementation and change management skills.
The Company also developed and launched a succession development programme for B pool positions – On the Path to Improvement. This programme is geared towards the Company's strategic goals and a competence and value model. The development of relevant skills will help leaders from the middle management team deliver on KMG’s strategy.
The key focus areas of the programme are as follows:
- Leadership and Communications;
- Resilience Culture Management;
- Safety Culture Management;
- Strategic Leadership;
- Project Management.
The leadership programmes are available to both top managers and engineering personnel. As a way to raise awareness about key industrial relations challenges and tendencies, nurture production leadership skills and create an on-site leadership role model, Ozenmunaigas is running a comprehensive training programme for senior and middle management.
The programme kicked off with the launch of its first module (School of Industrial Relations) in autumn 2022. Today it also serves as a communication and discussion platform for the managers of KMG and its subsidiaries and associates, as it helps to improve corporate culture and streamline communications. More than 400 employees of Ozenmunaigas have completed the training so far.
On top of that, the Company put in place communications, time management and financial literacy programmes designed to improve the skills of line managers at production companies and professional associations. One of the key focus areas has been strengthening communications and corporate culture within KMG Group, and fostering dialogue between the management team and employees.
For example, with a view to engaging the management and personnel in a constructive dialogue the Company organised meetings between KMG’s management team, including Magzum Myrzagaliyev, the Chairman of the Management Board, and trade union leaders at the Company’s subsidiaries such as Ozenmunaigas, Mangistaumunaigaz and Karazhanbasmunai. The meetings were attended by the managers of subsidiaries and representatives of trade union organisations. They were held in the form of training sessions and incorporated team-building techniques, while also leveraging a variety of facilitation and team coaching tools.

Sustainability training
Sustainable development matters, including energy transition, GHG emissions, decarbonisation, green project management and others, are of critical importance for the Company and its strategic goals. Every year, our employees improve their expertise and skills in this area in line with global standards and trends.
In 2022, KMG offered its employees training in Green Project Management to raise awareness about best sustainability practices in project management with inputs from the management and professionals of the Сorporate Сentre and subsidiaries.
Key employees in charge of strategic projects undergo certification under international project management standards (IPMA and GPM) on an annual basis.
To expand staff capabilities, KMG organises training sessions and workshops in various areas of low-carbon development. In October 2022, together with Chevron New Energies experts, KMG held a three-day workshop on Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies.
In November 2022, 45 employees from the Corporate Centre and subsidiaries engaged in energy efficiency management and GHG emission monitoring attended a two-day workshop on Energy Transition and Management of GHG Emissions.
KMG employees also take part in training sessions from international companies to improve their competencies.
Mandatory safety training
Since 2021, KMG Corporate Centre employees take mandatory training in occupational health and industrial and fire safety basics on the platform of KMG Engineering. KMG Engineering competence centre has a licensing agreement to provide relevant training and issue standardised certificates. In-house employee training enables the Company to adapt its programmes to ongoing internal needs and to ensure uninterrupted employee access to training materials.
As a way to prevent road accidents at production sites, the Company launched Defensive Driving training programmes for KMG Group’s drivers in line with the international RoSPA standard (UK). In 2022, the programme was completed by more than 350 drivers from Karazhanbasmunai, Oil Transport Corporation and KMG-Security who transport employees and hazardous goods. Going forward the Defensive Driving programme is expected to cover drivers of all categories across KMG Group.
New Procurement and Supply Management Procedures at Samruk-Kazyna and E-Procurement IT System 2.0
As part of its transparency policy, the Company pays special attention to procurement activities. To enhance the competencies of procurement professionals at KMG Group’s Corporate Centre and subsidiaries, we launched a dedicated programme — New Procurement and Supply Management Procedures at Samruk-Kazyna and
So far, the programme has covered over 450 employees from 37 KMG companies.