Performance highlights

Financial highlights2022 and 2021 data reflects KMG’s acquisition on 15 September 2022 of 50% in KMG Kashagan B.V. from Samruk-Kazyna. KMG Kashagan B.V. owns 16.88% of the North Caspian Production Sharing Agreement (Kashagan project).USD mln

Share in the earnings of joint ventures and associates
Net profit
CAPEX on an accrual basis
CAPEX on a cash basis
Net debt
Free cash flow
Net debt / EBITDA
2P hydrocarbon reserves, mln toe
Oil and gas condensate production, thous. tonnes
Natural and associated gas production, mln m3
Oil transportation, thous. tonnes
Oil refining, thous. tonnes
Actual headcountIn 2020, the Company revised its methodology to calculate the actual headcount (by including employees from consolidated companies with an ownership interest of 51% or above).
Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR)
Fatal Accident Rate (FAR)
Social stability level (Samruk Research Services index), %
x emissions, tonnes per 1,000 tonnes of produced hydrocarbons
x emissions, tonnes per 1,000 tonnes of produced hydrocarbons
APG flaring rate, tonnes per 1,000 tonnes of produced hydrocarbons